Public Facilities, Services, and Infrastructure
This element provides the framework for decisions in Ventura County concerning public and private infrastructure, utilities, and services. Existing and planned development in the county is dependent on a complicated network of public facilities and services. At the same time, infrastructure and services to residents and businesses in Ventura County are provided by a range of public and private institutions, and organizations. Each type of facility and service has a unique set of challenges and must adapt to growth and change differently. The County is responsible for providing and maintaining certain facilities and services necessary to maintain safe communities and to support the existing and future development described in the Land Use and Community Character Element.
The goals, policies, and programs in this element support the provision and maintenance of infrastructure, facilities, and services in appropriate areas of the unincorporated county and provide for their timely expansion, if required to maintain adequate services. The goals and policies indicate where those facilities and services will be most beneficial to meet the needs of county communities, residents, and businesses. The element also includes policies, in coordination with the Health and Safety Element, for the provision of facilities and services to ensure the safety and welfare of residents and visitors and the protection of property and with the Water Element for water supply and delivery.
Goals, policies, and implementation programs concerning water are in Chapter 9, Water Resources Element.